01.05.05. Stability | South Africa

01.05.05. Stability | South Africa

12 Aug 2022

The World Bank describes South Africa’s political transition to a democratic country as ‘one of the most remarkable political feats of the past century” (The World Bank, 2018b). According to the Political Stability Index that collects data from The World Bank for 195 countries, South Africa ranked 122nd for the year 2017 with a score of -0.27 (-2.5 weak and +2.5 strong) (TheGlobalEconomy.com, 2018a). For the period 1996 to 2017, South Africa’s political stability scored an average of -0.14 points (min.-0.54 in 1998 and max. 0.22 in 2007) (TheGlobalEconomy.com, 2018b).


The World Bank. (2018b). The World Bank in South Africa. Available from: http://www.worldbank.org/en/country/southafrica/overview

TheGlobalEconomy.com. (2018a). Political stability: Country rankings. Available from: https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/rankings/wb_political_stability/

TheGlobalEconomy.com. (2018b). South Africa: Political stability. Available from: https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/South-Africa/wb_political_stability/