01.03.02. Composition of the economy | Hong Kong SAR
01.03.02. Composition of the economy | Hong Kong SAR
16 Aug 2022
The four key industries in Hong Kong were 1) financial services (% of GDP in 2017: 18.9%), 2) tourism (4.5%), 3) trading and logistics (21.5%), and 4) professional and other producer services (12.2%). In 2017, these four industries generated a total of value added of $1,456.6 billion (57.1% of GDP) and employed 1,780,200 persons (46.6% of total employment) (Census and Statistics Department, 2019b).
Census and Statistics Department. (2019b). The Four Key Industries and Other Selected Industries. Hong Kong: Census and Statistics Department, HKSAR. Retrieved from https://www.statistics.gov.hk/pub/B71905FA2019XXXXB0100.pdf