01.01.04. Population projections | Hong Kong SAR
01.01.04. Population projections | Hong Kong SAR
16 Aug 2022
The total population of Hong Kong was projected to increase from 7.34 million in mid-2016 to 8.14 million in mid-2036, and then decline to 7.72 million in mid-2066. Yet, for the population aged 65 and over, it was projected to expand from 1.16 million (16.6%) in 2016 to 2.37 million (31.3%) in 2036, and further increase to 2.59 million (33.7%) in 2066 (Census and Statistics Department, 2017b).
The population growth rate of Hong Kong was 1.0% in 2018 (Census and Statistics Department, 2019g). The total fertility rate (live births per 1,000 women) was projected to decrease from 1,205 in 2016 to 1,134 in 2036 and further to 1,166 in 2066 (Census and Statistics Department, 2017b).
Census and Statistics Department. (2017b). Hong Kong Population Projections 2017–2066. In: Census and Statistics Department Hong Kong.
Census and Statistics Department. (2019g). Table 003: Population Growth by Component. Retrieved 9 October, 2019, from Census and Statistics Department, HKSAR https://www.censtatd.gov.hk/showtablenewexcel.jsp?tableID=003&charsetID=1