New STRiDE anti-stigma toolkit
published on Friday, October 7th, 2022
Introducing the new STRiDE Dementia Project Anti-Stigma Toolkit (PDF) The consequences of stigma are often described as being as bad or worse than the impacts of dementia itself. At the individual level, stigma can undermine life goals, reduce participation in meaningful life activities and worsens a person’s quality of life. At the societal level, it can […]
Continue reading →STRiDE project team members at the ADI conference
published on Thursday, June 9th, 2022
Members of the STRiDE project team are joining the Alzheimer’s Disease International Conference between 9 June and 11 June 2022. Over the course of the first day today there were a number of highlights. STRiDE Brazil Our colleague Carolina Godoy presented a poster showcasing findings on stigma and dementia in Brazil: STRiDE India Our colleague […]
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New paper: Understanding, experiences and attitudes of dementia in India
published on Tuesday, August 16th, 2022
Research has found that there is a need to raise awareness of dementia in India across all stakeholder groups where it was common for stigmatising language to be used when talking about dementia. The paper was written by STRiDE colleagues, Saadiya Hurzuk, Nicolas Farina, Meera Pattabiraman, Narendhar Ramasamy, Suvarna Alladi, Jayeeta Rajagopala, Adelina Comas-Herrera, Priya […]
Continue reading →New paper: Stigma and its implications for dementia in South Africa
published on Thursday, June 9th, 2022
Research has found that people living with dementia and carers experienced high levels of internalised stigma, related to negative public attitudes, which were associated with high levels of isolation, health system unpreparedness and limited access to support in South Africa. The paper was written by STRiDE colleagues, Roxanne Jacobs, Marguerite Schneider, Nicolas Farina, Petra du […]
Continue reading →STRiDE Final Event and Network Launch: Wednesday 15 June 2022
published on Monday, May 30th, 2022
On Wednesday 15 June 2022, we will be hosting a final event to share findings from the STRiDE Project and to launch the STRiDE Network. The event will start at 11.00 and close at 15.00 (BST). To register please click here (external link). Outline programme (PDF) Final Event and Network Launch Dementia affects more […]
Continue reading →Paper: Active inclusion of people living with dementia in planning for dementia care and services
published on Thursday, September 2nd, 2021
Principles on how to involve people living with dementia in service design and planning have been explored as part of the STRiDE Project. The paper was written by STRiDE colleagues, Erica Breuer, Emily Freeman, Suvarna Alladi, Marina Breedt, Ishta Govia, Mariana López-Ortega, Christine Musyimi, Deborah Oliveira, Meera Pattabiraman, Tara Sani, Marguerite Schneider, Kate Swaffer, Dubhglas […]
Continue reading →New paper: Building a strategic theory of change to address dementia care, treatment and support gaps
published on Thursday, July 1st, 2021
A new paper describes the Theory of Change (ToC) approach used by the STRiDE Project to co-design our research project and to develop a strategic direction for dementia care, treatment and support, with stakeholders. The paper was written by a number of STRiDE colleagues led by Erica Breuer and published in the journal Dementia today. […]
Continue reading →Webinar: Providing unpaid care to people living with dementia, 27 May 2021, 1pm (GMT)
published on Friday, May 14th, 2021
Continue reading →New paper: Perceptions and experiences of dementia and its care in rural Kenya
published on Tuesday, May 4th, 2021
Research has found a general lack of knowledge of dementia among family carers, healthcare professionals and the general public in Kenya. The paper was written by STRiDE colleagues, Christine Musyimi, David Ndetei, Sara Evans-Lacko, Deborah Oliveira, Elizabth Mutunga and Nicolas Farina, and published in the journal Dementia this week. The research aimed to explore the perceptions […]
Continue reading →Video: STRiDE on-demand session as part of ADI 2020 conference
published on Wednesday, April 21st, 2021
Members of the STRiDE Project joined an on-demand session within Alzheimer’s Disease International’s 2020 conference to provide a birdseye view of the project and respond to delegate questions.
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